New Budget Approved in Miami-Dade County

Tomas Curcio, Staff Writer

On Sept. 28, 2021, Miami-Dade County approved the budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year at a final public hearing.

The total proposed capital plan consists of $3,382,839,000. Of that budget, 2% goes to health and society ($59,250,000), 4% goes to recreation and culture ($141,039,000), 6% goes to public safety ($216,153,000), 7% goes to general government needs ($243,462,000), 25% goes to economic development ($818,595,000), 25% goes to neighborhood and infrastructure ($860,469,000) and 31% goes to transportation and mobility ($1,043,871,000).

Of this budget, the county has allotted $27 million to the Village of Pinecrest. With this money, Pinecrest plans to upgrade its phone system, complete a parks master plan and conduct a study on transportation within the village. Property tax rates will remain the same at $2.35 per thousand dollars.

The Village of Palmetto Bay will receive $14.9 million. With this money, Palmetto Bay plans to add an additional police officer, as well as four administrators and allocate $200,000 for special events. Property tax rates in the area will increase from $2.23 per thousand dollars to $2.40 per thousand dollars.

The City of Miami will obtain more than $1.3 million. With this money, Miami plans to  create 20 positions for police officers, 13 positions for firefighters, and 41 Building Department positions. Property tax rates in the area remain at $7.99 per thousand dollars.

This new annual budget comes after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis removed more than $3 million from Miami-Dade County on June 2 when he signed off on Florida’s annual budget.

Miami-Dade County also released a graphic detailing how each strategic area benefits by a single tax dollar. Looking at a dollar, one cent goes to policy formulation, seven cents goes to recreation and culture, seven cents goes to the general government, seven cents goes to transportation and mobility, 11 cents goes to health and society, 14 cents goes to economic development, 22 cents goes to neighborhood and infrastructure and 31 cents goes to public safety. This new budget took effect on Oct. 1, 2021.