New York’s Board of Health removes the right to drink sodas? What’s next? Chocolate? A limit on 16 ounce size cups and bottles of non-diet soda and sweetened teas, strike to undermine health risk like asthma and obesity.
Not only regarding to American’s health but also local industries business are unsatisfied. Recently this new proposal has received nothing but negativity; numerous of signed petitions distributed by effective industries declare their opposition. The objective is to limit the obesity rate in America by cutting back 16 ounces of sodas or other sugary drinks. Areas prohibited of selling areas in restaurants, concession stands, fast food joints, and workplace cafeterias and even in -movie theaters -.
“If they minimize the size then it doesn’t matter because people will buy more quantities,” sophomore Carmen Fernandez said.
The question is, how far will this go? To take in consideration the quantity sell of each soda is not forbid, just the size. Government officials are gradually tracking ways to reduce obesity in the country, without interfering the business. Mr. Bloomberg who introduced this plan has clearly overreach public health policies in the areas of prohibit smoking in bars and parks and chain restaurants’ calorie count menus post.
“I support this law because it can help prevent obesity in the future, soft drinks has high amounts of sodium and sugar in which helps cause obesity,” sophomore Benjamin Pinet said.
More than one third of American adults are obese, which primarily cause heart disease, diabetes and so forth. Medical costs are obtrusively high cost nearly $147 billion dollars for obese medic-care.