Breaking out as a renowned choreographer, Dalvin Burden shines his talents on Palmetto. Assigned the role of head choreographer for the African Heritage Club in his sophomore year, and gaining the choreography role for the Omega singers in his junior year, Dalvin has shown his true colors to the student population and staff at Palmetto.
Appointed by the captain of the African Heritage Club, Dalvin strode into his new role and took control of the club, changing the dynamics of their dances. Practicing three to five times a week with the African Heritage Club and every school day with the Omega singers, Dalvin teaches members new dances and goes over fundamentals. Dalvin recently choreographed the African Heritage Club annual show, and he enjoyed inputting his ideas and style giving it a distinct form.
“When I’m making up my dances, I usually don’t follow the rules of dance, I just make everything my own and input my style into everything I choreograph,” Dalvin said.
Dalvin not only choreographs for the African Heritage Club, but he joined the Omega singers in his sophomore year, after applying in freshman year. Joining the Omega singers has been a goal of Dalvin’s since he arrived at Palmetto.
“When I sing, it’s a surprise every time I step up,” Dalvin said. “It also tells a lot about someone by the way you sing and the genre that you’re singing.”
Dalvin dreams of becoming a “triple threat” when he is older; Dalvin and hopes to improve his skills through the African Heritage Club and Omega singers.
“I’d like to continue choreographing when I’m older, but only if the opportunity presents itself. Otherwise I would rather train my talents and become a triple threat,” Dalvin said.