Starting at a young age freshman Austin Diaz was introduced into drama and ever since his life has been changed. Austin began his early drama career at the Actors Playhouse, starring in “Aladdin” at age eight as part of the ensemble. Austin performed in many plays and competitions around Florida. He most recently performed ‘Twenty One Guns’ from the Broadway musical “American Idiot” at a local competition.
“The thrill of going out and being a different person every day playing a role that you are not is my favorite part,” Austin said.
During Austin’s first show the usual nerves were flowing but in the end he overcame his fears, showing everyone that nothing could deter him.
Austin performs most of his plays at the JCC and recently performed in the musical “Drowsy Chaperone.”
During Austin’s middle school career at Palmetto Middle School, David Nardone, the drama teacher at Palmetto Middle School, impacted his acting career and character greatly.
“He [Mr. Nardone] made me do my first show, which led me to the JCC program and to do more shows,” Austin said.
Currently enrolled in the drama program at Palmetto, Austin auditioned for Palmetto’s recreation of “Peter Pan” and landed the part of one of the Lost Boys.
“I was really nervous in the audition, but in the end I pulled through and got the part of the Lost Boy,” Austin said.
Even though drama is Austin’s passion, Austin does not wish to continue performing after high school. He plans to study and to achieve his dream of becoming a scientist.
“Drama is more of a hobby, not a pure interest. But if the opportunity presents itself I’ll take it,” Austin said.
Austin hopes to continue learning about drama, which is done out of pure enjoyment, and continue on his path to glory.