When driving through the Village of Pinecrest, it is not uncommon to see community members out and about. Whether riding a bike, going for a run or even just strolling around the neighborhood, the Village of Pinecrest has gradually increased its efforts to motivate its community to stay active.
In 2019, the Village of Pinecrest’s Parks and Recreations division established “FitCrest,” an initiative to benefit the community’s wellness and unite citizens.
“The Fitcrest initiative is basically a community wellness initiative that we created to bring the community together around wellness. So physical wellness, mental wellness, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness, whatever wellness [you are struggling with]. So, we went to the local businesses, we went to gyms. We also even went to an El Salon because maybe taking care of your mental health and your emotional wellness is making some time for you and going to get your nails done,” Village of Pinecrest Fitness Manager Janelle Marzouka said. “So, anything could be FitCrest, and so we encouraged members of the community at large to basically take some time out of their day to implement some FitCrest strategies, to take time for themselves.”
Since its inception, village members have created annual FitCrest events, forming new traditions for community members. Additionally, FitCrest initiatives, such as the Neon Run, often collaborate with the Village of Pinecrest’s Youth Advisory Council, helping involve younger members of the community in the events.
Youth Advisory Council member Grant Hudson, sophomore at MPSH, believes Fitcrest initiatives have helped him get more physically active, socialize with his peers and have fun.
“I like [volunteering at the] Zombie Run the best. Dressing up as a zombie, acting all of it out and coming together as a comedian,” Hudson said. “I think when a lot of people sign up for these runs, it’s not peer pressure, but it’s more like them wanting to come out and have fun … It’s just to get out there and walk for a little bit, run for a little bit and talk.”
Despite struggling to increase community participation at first, Marzouka believes that making adjustments over time and responding to feedback from early contenders has allowed FitCrest initiatives, like the Zombie Run specifically, to gain popularity in the village.
“So basically, just seeing some of the FitCrest partners and sponsors come together, some in technical martial arts or fitness who have local businesses in Pinecrest, and just seeing everybody, seeing the huge turnout that we had and seeing how everybody had such a great time [at this year’s Zombie Run] – That’s my my favorite part, kind of connecting the dots and then just seeing the effect that it has on the community,” Markzouka said.
Now, citizens can expect annual Zombie Runs and FitCrest 5Ks, along with free entrance to the Pinecrest Community Center gym, the Coral Pine Park pickleball courts and Suniland Park’s basketball courts on the third Friday of each month.
Whether it is something as simple as reading a book or participating in one of their events, the Village of Pinecrest’s FitCrest encourages all members of the community to get fit in all aspects of their lives.