Entering the sports gambling world is a choice many high schoolers make without knowing the risks they will be exposed to. Gambling can bring life-altering consequences with it, such as addiction, lying, mental health issues, financial burdens and many more serious troubles. Finance teachers at Miami Palmetto Senior High, like Mr. Larry Schwartz, warn and try to limit gambling with their students.
“[A risk students aren’t generally aware of] is the debt. A lot of students put the debt on their credit card. Credit cards have compound interest which means if you are lucky you are only paying 25% interest on what you haven’t paid back. Most young people’s first credit card has 30% interest, which can increase so quickly,” Schwartz said.
If not for teachers like Mr. Schwartz, students could be muddled in debt that could have been avoided. Carrying that same debt into college can harm your credit score and future financial expenditures.
Having a teacher available to guide students on the advantages and disadvantages of gambling is extremely helpful. Especially once hooked, it can be tough for students to let go of that addiction. Developing an addiction like this at a young age is not recommended.
“I advise them not to do it, not to get started,” Schwartz said.
While many students think gambling will not affect them, there is a high chance it can come back to bite them in the future. Financially stable or not, the decisions students make in the gambling world will affect them in the long run.
“You also have to make sure that before you gamble, that you have money that you can gamble. You shouldn’t be gambling money away that you need to live and pay your bills,” Schwartz said.
By being taught at an early age about the serious issues gambling can lead to, students can make smarter and more financially appropriate decisions in the future. Students at MPSH are extremely lucky to have access to financial aid and teachers who are willing and qualified to help them make financial decisions.