Welcome to the Student Council Newsletter Blog, a source for the Miami Palmetto Senior High students, faculty and community to receive important information regarding all Student Council events and activities. After each Student Council meeting, expect a blog about all upcoming events and what was discussed.
Old Business:
- The winter pep rally was a success.
New Business:
- Student Council Disney Trip: A day trip to Hollywood Studios. The date is yet to be determined, and will occur in conjunction with Television Production.
- Starting March 3, freshmen and sophomore senate, cabinet and officers will be asked to sign up for a time slot to work in the Panther Cafe and sell baked goods.
- With the money raised from the Panther Cafe, the Inter-Club Council may set up a grant system may to help clubs pay for field trips and activities. The grant system may be in the works.
Recent Performances and Events:
- The MPSH theatre show, Curtains, will occur on March 5, 6, 11 and 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Tickets are sold at the door and online.
Class Boards:
- Freshmen: The Cabinet meeting is to be determined with possible fundraisers in the future.
- Sophomores: The Class of 2027 is having a Class Cabinet meeting on Feb. 26 to discuss future plans and potential trips and regroup as a class. The Class of 2027 is having a Chipotle fundraiser on March 10 from 4-8 p.m. at the Pinecrest location.
- Juniors: A possible Junior Class trip is to be determined along with a fundraiser at Ernie’s Acai. Juniors on Student Council will be helping at the Senior Picnic and in graduation matters.
- Seniors: Voting for senior superlatives is currently ongoing. There are about 13 weeks till graduation.
Amendments/Changes to the Constitution:
(All passed unanimously)
- Combining the Public Relations and Advertisement Chair into the Marketing Chair.
- Include descriptions of each athletics, arts, and activity in the Constitution.
- Include descriptions of all board members.
- Runoff election if there is a tie between the top two candidates for elected positions.
- If anyone in Student Council is found guilty of plagiarism or cheating using Artificial Intelligence, they will not be allowed in their position for the rest of the school year. If it happens again, they are removed permanently.
- All members must adhere to the Academic Honor Code.
- Enhance the Athletics program to hold a sports award ceremony every year.
- Resolution to bring awareness to cyberbullying and how to mitigate it.
- Proclamation to recognize Black History Month.
- Senate applications are coming out in May.
- If interested in running for any board positions, contact appropriate current board members.
- The general school body votes on the roles of president, vice president, secretary and secretary of classes.
- On March 15 there is a Youth Music Festival in conjunction with the Night in D9 event, and Luisa Santos will need underclassman volunteers. Community service hours will be given.
Senate Initiatives:
Special Events:
Currently working on pep rallies and showcasing sports better, helping key club events, spring sports pep rally to be determined and cleaning the gym bleacher by bleacher.
Each person is assigned a month to post and cyber-paws resolution with Marketing Director Natalie Rodriguez.
Phone bucket is very successful, they are learning how to pass amendments, new parliamentarians will be taught how to pass amendments and Robert’s Rules of Order.
Staff Appreciation:
Teachers received ‘Thank you’ cards and roses on Valentine’s Day, and a springtime/St.Patrick’s Day teacher celebration is in the works.
School Safety:
Board wants to help marketing connect online, and more accessible complaint boxes and address parents in the school parking lot.
Throwback Thursdays have continued, and the Class of 2025 will receive one free year of the alumni association membership. The Panther Pride poster is currently being updated.
Student Involvement:
At the end of the year, seniors are going to write messages/tips for incoming freshmen to see on the first day of school to help them feel welcomed and get adjusted. Fun Fridays are a work in progress and ongoing class competitions.
Community Outreach:
United Way Update: Popsicle sales and glitter tattoos were a success. Reached out to the Pinecrest Community Center and Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden to work on building the student population in these communities; extra credit, lower prices and benefits for teachers and students.
ICC Liaison:
Currently working on monthly updates and working with Student Council Vice President Noah Coulton for club competitions.
PTSA/EESAC Liaisons:
Creating two videos to post online. One is about the Parent, Teacher, Student Association and what it has done for MPSH. The other one is with Assistant Principal Michelle Zawie, who currently works to organize in-house tutoring sessions in math for the school’s lower 25%. Community service hours are available for tutors, and students receiving tutoring can earn extra credit.
Partnering with AP Human Geography teacher John Hayduk to send emails and connect with incoming students so they feel at home. Emails will keep up contact so they feel more inclined to come to MPSH.
Freshman Liaisons:
Working with recruitment and helping with giving school tours.
Environmental Outreach:
Creating a video for Thrift for Change. Met with Marine Science teacher Nicolas Quintarios to finalize the native plant garden to ensure only native plants are growing, and create signs to highlight them.
Senate Committee of the Month and Best-Dressed:
Student Involvement member Lilianne Fernandez and Co-President of the Class of 2027 Grant Hudson were awarded “Best-Dressed.” Staff Appreciation wins Senate Board of the Month. Historian chair Madeline Volpe and PTSA/EESAC Liaison member Joseph Kouperschmidt were awarded Senate Members of the Month.